Thursday 11 September 2014

Dancing in the rain

Last Bollywood party with DJ Shanti Priya in 2014!

“Those who dance are considered insane by those who cannot hear the music.” 

Večer Bollywood glasbe in plesa na Letnem vrtu Gala Hale, Metelkova
16. september 2014, ob 21ih

(v primeru dežja bo dogodek prestavljen v Gala Halo)

Čaka vas poseben večer indijskega popa, kjer boste slišali vse; od klasične glasbe sitarjev do funka in r’n’b-ja, od pobožnih bhajanov do elektronskih štanc, od ghazalov do hip-hopa in od najbolj mastnih punjabi beatov do srce parajočih balad. Potovali bomo prek zgodovine Bollywooda od najlepših zimzelenih melodij pa vse do super hitov sodobnega časa, indijska filmska glasba je namreč od svojega rojstva s prvim indijskim zvočnim filmom leta 1931 doživela že nešteto preobrazb. Vrhunec večera bo prijeten bonus – nastop bollywoodskih plesalk. Ni za zamudit!

Vstop prost!


BOLLYWOOD music and dance

Prepare yourself for a special night of Indian pop, where you’ll be able to hear everything from classical sitar music to funk and r’n’b, from devotional bhajans to electro catchy tunes, from ghazals to hip-hop and from punjabi beats to heartbreaking ballads. A journey through Bollywood history will take us from the most beautiful evergreen melodies to the super hits of modern time, with extra bonus – a performance of Bollywood dancers. Not to be missed!
Free entry!

And here is one Bollywood rain song, suitable for the moment. Enjoy :)

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